Training Programs

If you’re looking for a skills-building program for your team, whether in person or online, check out our training programs.

Primary offerings

Building a culture of EDI

A 6-part live workshop series to deepen mind sets and skill sets for integrating equity, diversity and inclusion and participatory leadership into organizational life and culture.

Playing at Work

A 4-part live workshop series designed for teams to joyfully amplify, deepen and expand their co-creativity and co-intelligence - being wise and innovative together.

Do Conflict Better

A 4-part live workshop series for teams who want to develop the capacity to navigate conflict in generative ways and nurture a culture of resilience and belonging.

“Our organization hired Bloom Consulting to support the ongoing work of anti-racism in our organization. Bloom has helped us unpack our own experiences & understanding with so much care”

Janet Rock, VolunteerConnector

“The ways of working/existing I learned working with Bloom have brought so much joy & more spaciousness into my life - that hopefully has leaked into my work with my clients & colleagues!”

Dakota Porter, Oxfam Canada

Our work is collaborative and customized to your organizational needs. It starts with a conversation.