About us
Bloom started with friendship and a shared dream for societal change. We are a team of facilitators, coaches, mediators and creatives, with over 15 years of experience in transformative facilitation, accompanying groups on their change journeys from where they are to where they want to go.
Meet the team
Rehana Tejpar
co-director & facilitator (she/her)
Rehana has a passion for transformative learning, systems change and building capacity for generative dialogue across differences.
Moyo Rainos Mutamba
co-director & facilitator (he/him)
Moyo Rainos Mutamba is a consultant, leadership coach, and scholar who specializes in integrating Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ARDEI) in organizations.
natalie abdou
facilitator (she/her/they/them)
natalie is a community facilitator, artist, life-long learner and creative soul who embraces a vision of solidarity, social justice and transformation from the inside-out.
Brigid Tierney
facilitator (she/her/they/them)
Brigid works in cultural programming and production, and as a strategic consultant, program designer and facilitator who foster connection and make the complex accessible.
Laura Severinac
facilitator & operations manager (she/her)
Laura Severinac is a dynamic facilitator who loves creating experiences that are challenging, empowering, reflective, inclusive and friendly.
Kimalee Phillip
facilitator (she/her)
Kimalee is an experienced social justice and organizational learning consultant; a facilitator, writer, educator and researcher with over 10 years of experience.
Jeff Carolin
facilitator (he/him)
Jeff’s practice in conflict mediation & transformative justice facilitation transforms the way people relate to themselves and each other in the context of inequitable systems.
facilitator (she/her)
Nadia Chaney
Nadia Chaney is an arts-based facilitator, trainer, mediator, and interaction / experience design consultant who has facilitated over 2200 events since 2002.
Dona Nham
facilitator (she/her)
Dona is an arts and EDI facilitator, community organiser, spoken word artist, and cultural worker. Her practice and methodologies are inspired by what it means to decolonize.
Kira Page
facilitator (she/her)
Kira is a facilitator who supports nonprofits in their organizational development and learning. She brings a passion for process, structure, and group dynamics.
Anis Annisa Maryam
communications & marketing (she/her)
Annisa is a designer who specializes in digital content production and communications that centred on the intersection of nonprofit organizations and the creative community.
At Bloom, the principles that guide our work include:
We believe in interconnected liberation, where our own freedom is tied to that of all. By striving for equitable spaces, we build bridges, foster trust, and prioritize co-learning. Equity to us, entails acknowledgement of historical oppressions, dismantling barriers, redistributing power, and reimagining inclusive systems, leading us towards shared liberation.
We believe in the interdependence of all life, and that healing the divisions between people is fundamental to the work of our times. We integrate relationship building into all our work because we believe that re-connection is foundational to the building of cultures of belonging.
We actively design to ensure all voices are being considered through the practice of collaboration, co-creativity and sharing power and responsibility with humility. We are continually learning and unlearning, and recognize that inclusion is also about making space for mistakes.
We trust the wisdom that can emerge from the meeting of difference and strive to create processes that harness the higher co-intelligence of diverse groups. We consciously seek multiplicity and create conditions for the wholeness and multitudes of each individual to be expressed and included in our work.
We seek to approach all our relations with care and respect - creating conditions for people to show up as they are. This includes centering access (mental/emotional/physical), consent, understanding, attending to harm, health and well-being, and making space for diverse forms of participation.
Looking to nature, we learn that complexity, order and chaos work together to reveal the next step unfolding, and we trust the dance with emergence to guide our way through. As Antonio Machado said: “Walker, there is no road, the road is made by walking.” We practice presence and listening to discern the next step.
We believe that conflict has the potential to be generative for learning, healing and transformation. We seek to meet conflict with compassion and tools to support this growth
We believe that play helps us tap into our creative possibility, get unstuck and disrupt patterns. Plus, it reminds us of the joy of being alive. Reuniting work and play is part of our medicine, and decolonial journey. To this end, we believe in the power of laughter and humour and not taking ourselves too seriously.
We seek to communicate transparently throughout processes of collaboration to support shared understanding of our collective direction, and increased capacity to participate in the process.
We believe that the body holds wisdom and experiences which are foundational for our learning and healing - past, present and future - and that healing the division between the mind and body is important decolonial work of this time.
Our belief in the force of love, the sacred and the magic that interconnects all life underpins our faith and purpose in striving to honour all beings with dignity and respect. It clarifies our role as being in service to bridge building, and the highest good that can emerge with individuals and groups.
Also, slowing down.
We believe that in order to facilitate transformation we need to slow down to presence, to feeling and understanding so that we may move forward more wisely, and consciously together.